Quick Answer to "Will metal roofing rust?":
If the metal roof is painted, no it will not rust. If the paint comes off a metal roof and the metal is exposed, then yes, the roof will rust.

Coatings Protect Metal Roofing from Rust
The painting process for metal roofing is very important to prevent rust. The metal goes through several steps with primers, coatings, and paint. The longer the paint stays on the metal the longer the metal will last and will not rust. If the metal gets scratched the metal will start to rust.

How do you keep a metal roof from rusting?
Regular roof inspection is important to finding damage to a metal roof. Metal roofing manufacturers make paint pens that can be purchased and used to cover scratches in the paint to help prevent rusting.
Metal Roofing Manufacturer
Nu-ray Metals Roofing Products
Nu-ray Metal Roofing is an industry leader in metal roof installation, with over 100 years of combined knowledge and 60 thousand square feet dedicated to manufacturing facilities located right here on American soil. The company produces some top quality products that can be found all around the Seattle area and the rest of the state of Washington!
With Nu-Ray Metals, you're getting a great product that will last for decades. Nu-Ray metal is made with their calibrated roll machines in the factory and comes standard 40 years or 50 warranties.
Three Tree Roofing Staff are Metal Roofing Experts
Three Tree Roofing includes a 25 year workmanship warranty on all metal roof installs. We have dedicated metal roofing crews that install metal roofs and no other types of roofing. This allows our metal roofing crews to focus on metal roofing and be the best metal roofers in Washington state.
We carry these great roofing products
We hope this series of article helps you better understand the ins and outs of metal roofing. Click here to see our next post "How much does metal roofing cost?" - Part 9 of our 9 Part series on "5 Different Types of Roofs: Metal Roofing".